Monthly Archives: April 2022

Tidy Towns 2019-2023 Adjudicators reports and Wexford 3 Year Plan 2019-2022

Following the 2019  Tidy Town Adjudicator’s report for Wexford, the Wexford Tidy Towns committee formulated a 3 Year Plan, with the aims of addressing areas highlighted in the report, increasing our points total in the competition, and ultimately attaining Gold Medal Status – which we have now achieved in the 2021, 2022 and 2023 Competitions, increasing our points total from 322 in 2019 to 337 in 2021, 351 in 2022 and 363 in 2023.   No Competition was held in 2020 due to pandemic restrictions.
The 2019, 2021, 2022 and 2023 Adjudicator’s reports, and our 2019-2022 Three Year Plan are  available at the links below:


National Tidy Towns Competition 2019 – Adjudicators Report for Wexford

National Tidy Towns Competition 2021 – Adjudicators Report for Wexford

National Tidy Towns Competition 2022 – Adjudicators Report for Wexford

National Tidy Towns Competition 2023 – Adjudicators Report for Wexford


Wexford Tidy Towns 3 Year Plan 2019-2022


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Posted in Tidy Towns News

Original Art works brighten Wexford’s Built Environment


Following on from last year’s Wexford County Council/Wexford Tidy Towns initiative, further artworks have been commissioned to add eye-catching flair to blank walls and other outdoor installations – Public-facing building walls, ESB power boxes etc.

With our Wexford In Bloom program ready to kick off in the next few weeks, we look forward to Wexford being a brighter, more colourful environment for residents and tourists to enjoy in what we hope will be a more normal, bustling and sunny summer.



Street Art  –  Art work in Carpark at the back of “Frank’s Place”

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Posted in Tidy Towns News